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1x1 - Spidey Super Stories

Spidey Meets the Spoiler

Poster della serie Spidey Super Stories

The first "Spidey Super Stories" segment. Spidey links clues to the Spoiler (Skip Hinnant), a mischievous villain who aims to spoil people's fun. Spidey defeats him, but the victory is bittersweet: A wall got spoiled when Spidey knocks the Spoiler through it. The opening shot cover features the Spoiler leaping at Spidey. Spider-Man also appeared in the opening sequence of the actual episode (Season 4 premiere). In the scene, Easy Reader (Morgan Freeman) announced to J. Arthur Crank (Jim Boyd) that Spider-Man would be a new recruit on The Electric Company, but Crank only found the idea to be nonsense. However, it isn’t until the real Spider-Man comes and steals Crank’s comic book behind his back, having Crank to believe that Easy stole it.

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21 Ottobre 1974
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