Pagina dell'episodio'

1x15 - Go! Princess PreCure

The Great Transformation roma! Aroma's Butler Test!

Poster della serie Go! Princess PreCure

Aroma is revealed to be an apprentice who is learning to become Kanata's butler but has been failing his exams. Transformed into human form by Miss Shamour's magic, Aroma is asked to retake his exam by serving as Haruka's butler for the day, while Puff, also given a human form, learns to become a maid. After a day of keeping Haruka to a hectic schedule, Aroma becomes upset when Miss Shamour fails him, saying he doesn't understand the most important thing about being a butler. Running off in tears, Aroma is saved from an oncoming vehicle by another butler named Oikawa, who shows him that what's important for a butler is to consider his master's feelings. Just then, Oikawa protects his master from Lock and Twilight, who use him to summon a Butler Zetsuborg. As Haruka struggles against the Zetsuborg, Aroma rushes to get the others to come to her aid in the nick of time. After the Zetsuborg is defeated, Aroma comes to understand the importance of respecting her master's feelings and decides to restart his butler training anew.

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10 Maggio 2015
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