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1x5 - The Sea Beyond

Episode 5 - Revenge to heal

Poster della serie The Sea Beyond

Gemma, a girl from Rimini, habitually suffers violence from her boyfriend, but when her sister becomes a victim herself in order to defend her, revenge seems to Gemma to be the only way to heal her sick love. Revenge is also what Filippo is meditating on, as he won't resign himself to the abuse Pino is subjecting him to. Now he has a weapon and has every intention of using it in his defence. Carmine, on the other hand, has been reborn after hearing the news that he is soon to be a father. He cannot lose hope because he has a reason to fight. But Carmine is still threatened with revenge by the Vallettas. In the meantime, the headmistress is informed of the disappearance of the razor blade stolen by Filippo and suspends both permits and recreational activities. This fuels anger among the inmates who think Carmine is responsible.

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7 Ottobre 2020
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