Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - Third Watch

Sunny, Like Sunshine

Poster della serie Third Watch

Sully and Maggie reconnect; Bobby visits his brother Matty and tries to prepare him for his release from prison; Sunny asks Kim for a place to stay and runs away when Kim refers her to a shelter; Carlos hits a pedestrian with the bus; Faith and Bosco investigate a grave robbery and ponder immortality; Jimmy rescues a new recruit who is trapped under a collapsed ceiling in an apartment fire; Bobby takes Doc's advice and tells Kim how he feels, only to learn that Kim feels she isn't good enough for him; Sunny ODs and Bobby helps a saddened Kim find out her real name and hometown so that her parents can be notified; Sully's approach to ""problem solving"" goes horribly awry in a domestic dispute; Carlos and Doc come to blows over Doc's training methods, forcing Morales to break them up; Sully learns that Ty has good instincts, enabling them to save a teenage girl from a sexual predator.

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7 Novembre 1999
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