Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - Miracles

Hand of God

Poster della serie Miracles

Paul comes under investigation by the police after a woman is found murdered in her home, leaving behind her diary where she had sketched his name and image, along with the words ""God is nowhere"". Shocked by this irrefutable reference to his own paranormal experience and unable to get a straight answer from Alva, Paul breaks into the locked files on hemography and discovers that three other individuals who experienced the same phenomenon have also been murdered. Angry with Alva for keeping such vital information secret, Paul sets out on his own for Denver to warn a fifth person, a woman, of the unknown threat. Before he is able to reach her, he is apprehended by the police and taken in for questioning. While there, he receives word of her murder. Paul is released from custody, and goes to find the killer's final target, a man living in Oregon. Paul hurries to the man's house where both he and the intended victim are accosted by a boy, Chad Goodwell. He is shocked to learn that this you

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31 Marzo 2003
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