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2x20 - Medabots

The Medaforce Within

Poster della serie Medabots

Stunned by the news that Hikaru Agata and Metabee caused the Ten Days of Darkness at the WRC eight years ago, Ikki and the others head off to find Henry, certain that he knows more than he is letting on about the incident. On the way, Ikki explains that Henry suggested the name Metabee, and he thinks that Henry and Hikaru may be one and the same. While the gang have no luck finding Henry, Koji is in shock after seeing how he almost let the team down against Patra and Team Egypt. As a disheartened Koji wonders how he can help the team without being able to use the Medaforce, a confrontation between Joe, the leader of Team USA, and Space Medafighter X results in the real Medafighter agreeing to fight in the semi-finals. As the robattle begins, Koji is unable to fight and Team Japan looks set for an early defeat, but as Arcbeetle seemingly destroys both Team USA's Medabots and Metabee as well, Sumilodon jumps in, rescuing his team mate. Determined not to lose, Joe reveals his secret move,

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5 Ottobre 2002
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