Pagina dell'episodio'

2x23 - Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends

Metal-Munching Mice (9 & 10)

Poster della serie Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends

After the metal-munching mice were ruined by Rocky's caramel, Boris and Natasha order a new shipment of them from a landing spaceship. The spaceship began to unload a new cargo of the metal mice. So Rocky and Bullwinkle snuck upon the spaceship, unfortunately, so did Boris, who was then disguised as the big cheese. Rocky and Bullwinkle began to chase Boris, who then ran like a frightened mouse. All of the sudden, a stange weapon came out of the spaceship, and shot. Boris (or the big cheese) was frozen solid. Rocky and Bullwinkle then have a reunion with their old friends, Gidney and Cloyd the moonmen, who were delivering a new shipment of metal mice. When Rocky told them what had happened, the moonmen were shocked. ""We didn't know they were going to be used this way,"" Gidney said. The moonmen decide to have a little discussion with the big cheese, who was still scrooched. Rocky, Bullwinkle, Gidney, and Cloyd waited for the big cheese to get unscrooched. All of the sudden, more of the m

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27 Ottobre 1960
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