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4x1 - Ugly Betty

The Butterfly Effect (1)

Poster della serie Ugly Betty

Betty finds that everything is changing as she begins her new job as associate features editor, especially since her boss is her ex-boyfriend, Matt Hartley, who is still unhappy about their breakup. In addition, Betty's new officemate, Megan, openly resents her, while Marc is constantly undermining her because he felt he was more deserving of the promotion. Meanwhile, without Betty as his assistant, Daniel is adrift, still mourning the loss of his wife, Molly. Betty tries to help Megan out on an assignment and connects with a thoughtful insect jewelry designer, Olivia, while Justin starts high school and is victimized by bullies-but won't tell his mom, Hilda. Claire Meade is finding that her power struggle at the company has her sitting pretty - for the moment -- opposite Wilhemina, who lost her claim to the Meade throne last season. But Wili has perhaps an even bigger problem than job security - she is harboring a secret at home that is driving Marc to distraction.

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16 Ottobre 2009
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