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5x9 - Holby City

Every Cloud...

Poster della serie Holby City

Kath Shaughnessy and Terry Fox's plans to have a Christmas are wrecked by terrible news. When he starts suffering severe abdominal pains Kath takes him to see Ric Griffin at Holby. Ric takes him to have surgery, only to find that cancer has spread throughout Terry's Body. Lisa Fox eventually finds out the real situation with her father, and vents her feelings towards Kath Shaughnessy to her face. Following Owen Davis's proposal, Chrissie Williams is torn between him and Ed Keating, at least until when a patient, Fran Turner, tells her about her marrige breakdown... and how stupid it was. . Sandy Harper's admirer, Sean Hunt, sends her a big bouquet of flowers, and ends up lending her the money to repay Danny Shaughnessy and Lisa. In Maternity, a case of eclampsia in a woman pregnant by donor insemination leads Lisa into an awkward situation with the husband. Helen Frost, the wife of a major hospital benefactor, is admitted, and when Ric suspects she may be HIV-positive, her husband bec

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3 Dicembre 2002
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