Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Amazing Nurse Nanako

The First Spiral

Poster della serie Amazing Nurse Nanako

Nanako is doing her usual chore of cooking, but the fish she cooks burns and, before that, breaks a dozen plates that were handed down through the Ogami family, which later makes Dr. Ogami angry at her. This is typical of Dr. Ogami, as Nanako does get into a lot of trouble. She gets mixed up in a fight between Kuron and Komanechi, two old people who reside in the hospital. After running out for a few groceries, she returns to meet Dr. Ogami and the Army. They are conducting an experiment, but she is doing her usual exercises that Dr. Ogami has planned for her. After she finishes, she returns to the experiment, just as it goes haywire. The experiment kills a few officers, and Nanako is sucked into the goo-like monster. She has also caught a cold, so the flu virus helps to weaken the monster as she continuously sneezes. Dr. Ogami rescues Nanako and defeats the monster. The monster freezes and falls apart, ending the disaster.

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5 Luglio 1999
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