Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Scarlet Heart

Episode 1

Poster della serie Scarlet Heart

Zhang Xiao is a typical modern day 9-to-5 white-collar worker struggling day to day to advance her career. Her dreams of the future mirrored those of any modern day city worker - a home, travel and love. One day, Zhang Xiao's life changes dramatically when she is involved in a car accident and her soul is transported into the past. She wakes to finds herself in the imperial residence of the eighth prince, Yinsi, during the reign of Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. She is tended by maidservants who refer to her as Second Miss Ma'ertai Ruoxi, 16-year old daughter of a Manchu aristocrat and younger sister of the eighth prince's concubine Ma'ertai Roulan, and tell her that she is recuperating from a fall.

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10 Settembre 2011
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