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1x1 - Jane Eyre

Episode 1

Poster della serie Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre, an orphaned girl, is sent to Lowood School by her uncaring aunt Mrs Reed, who no longer wants the child in her house where Jane was ill-treated by cousins and aunt. Jane remains at Lowood School until the age of 19 and eventually becomes a governess. She receives a position at Thornfield Hall as a governess for Adele, a French girl in the care of Edward Rochester, the master of Thornfield Hall. From the housekeeper Jane learns that the master of the house is rarely at home. One day, she finally meets Rochester on one of his returns to Thornfield. For the first time, Jane feels as if she belongs somewhere and soon begins to love Thornfield. But this is challenged when Jane one day wakes to strange noises in the house. When she follows the sounds she discovers a fire in Rochester's room.

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24 Settembre 2006
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