Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - The Sea Beyond

Episode 1 - Broken lives

Poster della serie The Sea Beyond

Filippo Ferrari and Carmine Di Salvo come from two different backgrounds. The first is from Milan, wealthy and a talented pianist. The second is Neapolitan and belongs to a family of the "system" but, unlike his parents, he has chosen an honest job and his dream is to be a hairdresser. But fate has decided to trip both of them up: Filippo and Carmine find themselves sharing the same cell in a juvenile detention centre in Naples. Filippo, after a night of MDMA at the disco with his friends, finds himself on top of a tower to challenge his best friend in a test of courage. Unfortunately the challenge ends in tragedy and Filippo is accused of murder. Carmine, on the other hand, when one of the boys from the rival clan tries to rape his girlfriend, kills him with hairdresser's scissors.

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23 Settembre 2020
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