Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - The Ashlee Simpson Show

Ashlee Moves Onward and Upward

Poster della serie The Ashlee Simpson Show

With a brand spankin' new recording contract, Ashlee Simpson is ready to take her first steps in her new life. She waves goodbye to mom and dad and hello to her fabulous apartment and budding romance. Unfortunately, she quickly learns along with the good, comes the not-so-good...building a home, relationship and career is no walk in the park. Thankfully, mom is not far away, and she soon pays Ashlee a visit to give her a crash course in cleaning magic and relationship woes. But there are some things a girl has to learn on her own, like doing her own laundry and dealing with her boy-toy, Josh. Much of Ashlee's inspiration for her music comes from her beau, Josh. From sniffing each other's armpits to playing an intense game of bowling, these love birds seem to be having a ball. They cruise around in her Lexis by day and party by night. Josh also hangs out with Ashlee when she works with her music co-writers, which she finds a bit embarrassing, because her tunes are about him. Though as t

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16 Giugno 2004
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