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1x1 - Please Save My Earth


Poster della serie Please Save My Earth

Alice overhears Jinpachi and Issei having a conversation about not being ""normal"". When she later run into her, they explain they've been having shared dreams, where they are two of seven scientists, Gyokuran and Enju, on a research station on the moon, secretly observing the Earth. Rin, a rather peculiar 7-year-old she was babysitting at the time becomes jealous of the fascination she shows for the two boys' story, and starts to harass her about it until she accidently pushes him over the balcony railing, leaving him in critical condition in the hospital.Rin recovers, but now apparently in love with Alice, he claims the two are to marry. Upon hearing this, Alice collapses... And has a dream where she lives on the moon base described by Issei and Jinpachi - as Mokuren. Later, Rin starts showing remarkable psychic powers, going off on his own to intimidate a biker gang leader into helping him.

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17 Dicembre 1993
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