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1x1 - Another Love

Episode 1

Poster della serie Another Love

Prosecutor Leyla Gediz, who has just returned to Istanbul, is unaware that the case she took on the first day and the man she met the same day will change her life. Leyla takes charge of a murder case that shakes the whole of Turkey. Leyla, who even disregarded her brother who committed a crime in the past, will receive an unexpected blow when the names of the people she trusts the most in life are mentioned in the case and she will have to question who she can and cannot trust. Turkey's most popular news presenter, Kenan Öztürk, is the son of Chief Prosecutor Turan, to whom Leyla is affiliated, and he is closely interested in the same case. Kenan and Leyla, whose destinies constantly intersect, will have to resist the attraction between them and walk together on the path of investigation. However, they are unaware of how close the killer is.

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11 Settembre 2023
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