Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - The Dark Side of Modern Love

Sleeping with Teacher

Poster della serie The Dark Side of Modern Love

Sleeping with Teacher is an intriguing portrayal of four very different true stories of teacher-pupil relationships. Through personal interviews with both pupils and teachers, this fascinating documentary explores all sides of the controversy. Former music teacher John, aged 43, began a relationship with his 16-year-old pupil Claire. Claiming they are in love, they have maintained their relationship despite constant hounding from the press and living amongst a disapproving community. English teacher Lucy is still a registered sex offender seven years after her relationship with a 15-year-old boy. Meanwhile, Rachel's story highlights why society fears such relationships: she was just 16 when her PE teacher seduced her. And teacher Jonathan describes how harrowing it can be to face false allegations of sexual assault.

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28 Novembre 2005
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