Pagina dell'episodio'

1x1 - Price Of Passion

Episode 1

Poster della serie Price Of Passion

Ferhat learns that the computer of Namık, whom he loves as much as his father, has been stolen. The discovery of the documents in the computer means that Namık will lose the mayoral elections, which he has been preparing for years, and will go to prison. Ferhat catches Adem, who stole the computer, and just as he is about to make him talk, Adem is shot. In order to find the computer, Ferhat must keep Adem alive. Aslı, a general surgeon, goes on duty to help a doctor friend and finds herself at the Ferhats' farm. She has to operate on the shot man. Aslı, who does not want to get involved in an illegal incident, tricks Ferhat and performs the surgery. Aslı thinks that she can save the man's life and get out of the farm without any trouble. However, events do not develop as planned. Ferhat and Aslı's lives will start to flow in a completely different direction from that day on.

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16 Ottobre 2017
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