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1x1 - Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter

The Start of a New Holy War

Poster della serie Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter

It has been 243 years since the previous Holy War between Athena and Hades, God of the Underworld. On a tower that Roshi has been observing, the seal Athena placed ages ago has lost its effect. The spirits of the 108 Specters, Hades' soldiers, are now free. At the Sanctuary, Nachi, Ichi and Shaina notice that graves from the Saints' graveryard have been disturbed, with the bodies coming out from the inside. At the House of Aries, a shadowy figure approaches Mu, who seems familiar to him. He orders Mu to bring him Athena's head in 12 hours. When he refuses, two more figures appear. Two Gold Saints whose lives were lost in the Battle of the 12 Houses, Cancer Deathmask and Pisces Aphrodite. Since they sold their souls to Hades, he offered them new lives, bodies, and Surplices, armors from the Underworld, resembling their Gold Cloths.

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9 Novembre 2002
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