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1x1 - Desperate Housewives

Four friends and a funeral.

Poster della serie Desperate Housewives

In a beautiful afternoon in the sunny street of Manzanares, the wife, mother and housewife Alicia Oviedo ended her apparently perfect life. Now, from death, she observes the life and intimate secrets of her four best friends and neighbors: Susana, Lía, Vera and Gabriela. Susana, a single, divorced mother, feels attraction for Miguel Delfino, a newcomer to Manzanares; Lía, who’s been before marrying a successful businesswoman, is stressing beyond words because of her 4 completely out of control sons; Vera, a perfectionist housewife, makes her whole family go crazy; And Gabriela, the runway model who turned into a perfect wife, lives an affair with her 17-year-old gardener. Together, this four Friends, want to solve the mystery that took Alicia to commit suicide.

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30 Agosto 2006
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