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1x1 - Timeless

Wrist Wrestling / Lama Kunga

Poster della serie Timeless

Wrist Wrestling The national wrist wrestling tournament in Reno, Nevada brings together athletes from across the country to compete in an event based on brute strength. Focusing on a father and son team, we watch them train and the son competes under the watchful eye of his father. Lama Kunga The spiritual reincarnation of an 11th century Buddhist monk, Lama Kunga Rinpoche was taken from his home in Tibet at the age of six to enter the monastery. In 1959, he was sent to the United States by the Dalai Lama as a spiritual guide to the unenlightened in this country. Playing in his traditional Buddhist garb, Lama Kunga plays 18 holes two to three times a week. We followed him through a lesson with a local pro and a round of 18 holes to explore the connections between golf and enlightenment.

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1 Gennaio 2005
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