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1x1 - The Centurions

The Sky Is On Fire

Poster della serie The Centurions

The Centurions visit Oceania Research Station to observe the testing of a new device, a powerful cryogenic ray. Unfortunately, the centre has already been infiltrated by Hacker and Amber. Despite the Centurions' best efforts, the ray is stolen by Doc Terror's forces. Terror ignites the radioactive belt surrounding the Earth causing the planet's temperature to rise at incredible rate. With the resulting firestorm threatening to engulf the entire planet, Only Doc Terror holds the key to preventing this solar apocalypse, but he will do so only when he is made unconditioned ruler of the Earth. The Centurions try desperate tactics to prevent terror's plans, Max even resorts to disguising himself as the world president in an attempt to find Terror's base, almost getting himself killed in the process. The heroes eventually find terror's headquarters but end up as prisoners of the villain, who destroys their wrist communicators, cutting them off from Crystal and Skyvault. The heroes aren't be

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7 Aprile 1986
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