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1x1 - The Richie Rich/Scooby-Doo Show and Scrappy Too!

A Close Encounter with a Strange Kind / The Robotnappers / A Fit Night Out for Bats / Piggy Bank Prank / The Chinese Food Factory / Muscle Beach

Poster della serie The Richie Rich/Scooby-Doo Show and Scrappy Too!

While out camping in the woods, Shaggy, who is asleep in his sleeping bag, is kidnapped by aliens, and it is up to Scooby and Scrappy to rescue him. The guys end up with a flat tire in front of an old mansion, and when a storm comes, they go inside for help and shelter. While inside they find it is inhabited by a vampire. Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy get jobs as night watchmen for a Chinese Food Factory, but one night a ghost is seen lurking and is caught stealing the safe.

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8 Novembre 1980
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