On a decimated Earth-90, Flash is seen crawling towards a book, but a mysterious stranger picks it up and uses it to destroy that reality; although the Flash escapes. On Earth-1, the stranger presents the book to the Arkham Asylum psychiatrist, Dr. John Deegan, and instructs him to rewrite reality as he sees fit. The next morning, under a threatening red sky, Oliver Queen and Barry discover that they have exchanged lives, with everyone believing that they are each other. When they seek help from Time Flash, they don't believe them and arrest Barry and Oliver. They use each other's skills to escape and persuade Iris reluctantly to allow them to flee to Earth-38 to enlist the help of Kara Danvers / Supergirl and her cousin, Clark Kent / Superman. Back on Earth-1, the heroes join forces to stop AMAZO, an android who can copy his abilities. They stop the android and, after seeing a vision of the stranger with Cisco, they realize that they must travel to Gotham City.