Pagina dell'episodio'

1x10 - The Family

Episode 10

Poster della serie The Family

After the sudden arrival of İlyas, the Soykans face a great danger; İlyas begins to investigate the cause of his son's sudden disappearance. It's only a matter of time before the truth comes out. Aslan tries to protect his family from İlyas; at the same time, he struggles not to become his father. Devin comes to the rescue of his mother, who was thrown out of her home by her father. Now homeless, Neşe starts living on the farm for a while; Devin will play the game according to the rules of Soykans and settle accounts with her father. At the family dinner, an argument over Leyla's decision to divorce causes great confrontations. Following the arrows of doubt in his son's death, İlyas finally finds a trace. On the other hand, Hülya, whose dominance over her family is shaken, gives Devin a great lesson; Aslan, who learns of Ati's dark intentions on Ceylan, will now darken his eyes. Will the soul of Yusuf Soykan, from whom he has been running away for years, will now take Aslan prisoner?

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9 Maggio 2023
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