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1x10 - Lost in Love

Episode 10

Poster della serie Lost in Love

While Ozan, who steps in after Naz persuades her for marriage, explains the situation to Count Ziya, a tender but bittersweet conversation takes place between Mete and İncila, who are cornered. Taking action, Ziya goes to Atıf's house, and the confused families are in a hurry to make the right decision. Naz, trying to convince İncila, says that their marriage with Ozan will be just a formality. İncila, who is upset about the pain she will cause Kadir and wants to build a new life away from Mete, is unhappy that she cannot make important decisions about her life. While Füsun, who wants to prevent a possible marriage with Ozan, tackles a subject that will be very difficult for İncila, she is unaware that important facts about her are being discussed behind closed doors. While Mete and Naz want to close the issue of Kadir completely, Count Ziya, who learns an important fact about İncila, makes a move that will surprise everyone.

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4 Gennaio 2024
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