Pagina dell'episodio'

1x10 - Heartbeat

Keep on Running

Poster della serie Heartbeat

There is an outbreak of sheep rustling and one of the victims who is renowned for naming his sheep accuses Greengrass of the crime. Greengrass ends up in court and is convicted, but Nick discovers holes in the evidence and realizes that Greengrass had been set up. Meanwhile Alan Maskell who is on bail does a runner to London. But unknown to him his wife Sandra suffers a miscarriage at the same time. Nick in the meantime is asked to go for an interview to join the drug squad team at Scotland Yard, which would guarantee a promotion to Sergeant. He decides to go for the interview despite Kate opposing the idea of returning to London. Whilst there he promises Sandra that he'll find and bring back Alan. Whilst in London Nick finds Alan in a night club, then there's a drugs raid by police and Nick sees them plant the evidence. Nick is arrested along with everyone else. Nick later files an official complaint about the officer in charge of the raid. He's then offered the job with the drug squa

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12 Giugno 1992
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