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1x10 - Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Iron wall! The Kurogane 5!

Poster della serie Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Baron Ashura's mechanical beasts continue to wreak havoc in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, forcing the Robot Corps sortie to defeat them. However, their machines prove to be ineffective at fighting the mechanical beasts. Kouji remains at the Kurogane House, knowing that if he left to help them then the Photon Power Labs would be left open to attack. While he waits, three assassin androids - the Gamia Sisters - arrive at the Kurogane House to kill Kouji. But before they can complete their mission, they are stopped by the Kurogane Five who are revealed to have special abilities and weapons. Cross is a cyborg made from Super Alloy Z, Sensei has a Super Alloy Z katana, Yasu's body contains a Photon Power Bomb, Kikunosuke can move at super speeds and had Super Alloy Z razor wire, and Django has special Super Alloy Z bullets. While they are fighting the Gamia sisters, Kouji steals the Pilder and prepares to dock with Mazinger Z - determined to defeat the attacking mechanical beasts.

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6 Giugno 2009
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