Pagina dell'episodio'

1x10 - V.I.P.

Midnight in the Garden of Ronnie Beeman

Poster della serie V.I.P.

Ronnie Beeman, a controversial talk show host hires V.I.P. as security on his self titled talk show. On their first day on the job they stop an audience member from attempting to assassinate Ronnie Beeman. When they interrogate him all he tells them is that his name is Daniel J. Kilborne. Before they can anything else out of him he kills himself. Val however notices a tattoo on his right bicep which helps identify him as member of a Black Ops Commando Unit. The unit consists of four men and one woman. The next day at the studio another member of the Black Ops Commando Unit attempts to kill Ronnie Beeman, backstage this time. He also fails but manages to escape by car. Nikki and Tasha follow him to the commando's empty hideout and they manage to set off an electronic trip wire giving them seconds to escape before it explodes. They just barely make it. Afterwards when they explore the remains they find blueprints for the studio of the Ronnie Beeman Show. Ronnie takes some good advice and

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16 Gennaio 1999
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