Pagina dell'episodio'

1x10 - Hammer House of Horror

Guardian of the Abyss

Poster della serie Hammer House of Horror

A satanic ritual is taking place in an old house, including a strange old mirror. One of the girls present, Alison, runs away. Meanwhile, Australian antique dealer Laura Stephens buys a similar old mirror in a job lot at an auction. While she and fellow dealer Mike Roberts are looking at it, the sinister Simon Andrews makes a high offer for the mirror, but Laura turns him down. On the way home, Mike Roberts picks up Alison on the road, who says she has escaped from the sinister Choronzan Society... Alison sees the mirror and says it is the 'scrying glass' of the Elizabethan alchemist and magician Dr John Dee, used to raise the demon Choronza. And then she steals it...Mike is determined to recover the glass, and the hunt leads him into a satanic cult and a world of human sacrifice and devil worship. The Choronzan Society's leader, Charles Randolph, needs both Alison and the mirror.

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15 Novembre 1980
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