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1x10 - Martin Mystery

Attack of the Sandman

Poster della serie Martin Mystery

At a Vancouver University a sleep researcher is studying a patient's nightmare when something emerges from his monitor. At Torringtom a hyper Diana reveals to Martin her secret to how she aced the midterms is candy. With the sugar high she doesn't need to sleep and she had plenty of energy to study. Martin points out that now midterms are over she can cut back on the sweet stuff but Diana's not interested. Martin accuses her of being addicted and bets that she can't go without sweets for 24 hours. If she loses she does his algebra homework for a month and if she wins Martin forgoes his horror movie marathons for a month. They're called to Centre where Diana faces her first sugary temptations then after a look at MOM's trials of the prototype flying suit it's off to Vancouver where a student at the university has been asleep for three days despite all attempts to wake her. When Martin does a bioscan he finds that her eyes appear totally white while Java finds sand in her room.

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20 Dicembre 2003
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