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1x11 - Godzilla

The Breeder Beast

Poster della serie Godzilla

As a result of the pollution caused by a nearby oil spill in Chesapeake Bay, a huge gelatinous monster is spawned (perhaps inspired by Hedorah) that survives by feeding upon various metals. The ameoba-like kaiju, referred to as the Breeder Beast, begins heading towards the U.S. Mint for its stores of gold, silver, and platinum. Godzilla is called by the Calico crew to stop the beast, but the creature's jelly-like substance appears invulnerable to Godzilla's physical attacks. Dr. Darian believes that the Breeder Beast's glowing nucleus may potentially turn it into a living nuclear bomb due to all of the gases and metals the creature has fed upon, so she urges Godzilla and the National Guard not to attack it. However, when Godzilla disobeys and blasts the monster with his laser beams, the beast doesn't explode, and Dr. Darian now believes that the creature has learned to control its rampant energies. Thus, she directs Godzilla to project his laser beams into the Breeder Beast's nucleu

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18 Novembre 1978
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