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1x11 - Once Upon a Time in Shanghai

Episode 11

Poster della serie Once Upon a Time in Shanghai

LIK is impressed by YIU's sincere attitude towards them but KEUNG still does not trust YIU. LIK goes to HAU's office to collect protection fee. TUNG is discontented and argues with him. CHING admires KEUNG but KEUNG pays no attention to her intentionally. CHING learns from HON that KEUNG loves opera and is a patriot. CHING knows that KEUNG is a kind man as she sees him visiting orphans in an orphanage. HAU's goods are spoiled and LIK comes to collect money again. HAU has no choice but go to Xanado, hoping to win money from the casino. HAU is defeated by HOI. HOI gives HAU courage and invites HAU to work in the casino. YAU is not happy, so he tricks HAU. YIU wants to deal with HOI but he cannot get SHIU's support. Thus he sends people to kill SHIU. KEUNG suggests YIU to participate in the voting.

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16 Settembre 1996
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