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1x11 - Dragon Crisis!

Dragon Crisis

Poster della serie Dragon Crisis!

Rose's change in attitude continues even after a night's sleep. This in turn, much to Eriko's dismay, makes the couple awkward around each other. At school Rose tries to consult Misaki and Ryuji vaguely tries the same with Masato but to no avail. Rose's condition gets worse during PE, to the point where she collapses. She is transferred to the Society's Dragon Lab. Meanwhile Eriko and Bianca manage to capture Sapphie who had rerturned to regain her shoes that she had left behind. Questioning her reveals that Rose's condition is not normal and Sapphie herself does not understand what's going on. Onyx contacts Ryuji and reveals to him that the Dragon's Rite of Adult does not take effect with humans but only with dragon partners and that Rose's current condition is because Ryuji is not human but a Lost Precious with power over dragons called the "Dragon Crisis". If Ryuji continues to stay near Rose her condition will only worsen. Left with no choice, Ryuji hands Rose over to Onyx. More than two weeks later, Ryuji goes to and acts normal in school but Misaki realizes that Ryuji is hiding his own feelings. Later that night Maruga return to talk with Ryuji.

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21 Marzo 2011
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