Pagina dell'episodio'

1x119 - Come Home Love

Difficult to be Good

Poster della serie Come Home Love

MA CHONG and the others play TV game at CHUNG BIU’s place cheerfully but SHEUNG-YAU seems to be unhappy. SHEUNG-HO will be the shareholder of their law firm soon and SHEUNG-YAU worries that she will make the office a mess. During the first meeting of the new shareholders, SHEUNG-HO suggests renovating the office but KA-ZA objects the idea. SHEUNG-HO reveals that she is willing to pay for the renovation and she gains support from Mrs LEE and Mrs SZE. SHEUNG-HO asks MEI-KEI to throw away all of the staffs’ personal stuffs in the office and everybody complain about it. During lunch, all staffs discuss about the disturbances SHEUNG-HO is causing to the office. SHEUNG-HO discovers that HEUNG-CHING’s zodiac sign is Dragon and she sends her a jade pendant. She asks her to wear the pendant all the time so as to prevent conflicting with her. CHUNG BIU reminds SHEUNG-HO to be reasonable or everybody will hate her……

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25 Ottobre 2012
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