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1x12 - Lie

Episode 12

Poster della serie Lie

Melike is shocked when she realizes that Kadir is the one who kidnapped her. The forced solitude of the two in the farmhouse also causes the secret of their lives to be revealed. This big secret changes the relationship between Melike and Kadir completely, while the DNA result is revealed. The unexpected result shocks Melike and she decides to take a different path against Haluk and Berrin. While Haluk vows not to lose his daughter, it is as if the gates of hell have opened for Berrin. As Berrin is cornered by Haluk's unexpected moves, she is about to lose everything. Melike's quest for justice accelerates and the tension between her and Cengiz finally erupts. As Melike decides to step into a new life, she will not give up on her two daughters. While Duru comes across Melike's surprising offer, Tuna, who comes from Melike's old life, will unexpectedly touch everyone's life. As Melike is working on her case with Yaman's guidance, Yaman makes the most unexpected move to solve the case.

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26 Agosto 2024
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