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1x12 - The Lost World


Poster della serie The Lost World

Roxton saves Tayra of the Tinta people from a Hikari warrior who is chasing her. The two men fight and the Hikari man is killed. Roxton discovers that the Tintas live in fear of the fierce Hikari, and pay them a tribute to ensure the Hikari leave them in peace and protect them from other dangers. The Tinta are very peaceful, a fishing and gathering tribe, and do not know how to fight, but are determined to stop the tribute practice, but freedom may come at a high price. Roxton and Veronica teach them some fundamentals of hand to hand, help set up some traps to slow the Hikari down and help the Tinta organize in defense of their village, which the Hikari are due to strike, since there was no tribute paid. Challenger reluctantly helps, since he is not sure whether the Tinta are going to survive the fight ~ he does rouse them the night before with some inspring words from Shakespeare. The day of battle dawns and at the end, the fight is won, but the cost is great in Tinta lives, including

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15 Gennaio 2000
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