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1x12 - Koihime Muso

Guan Yu Accomplishes Her Ambition

Poster della serie Koihime Muso

Ryūbi and his army attend an imperial war meeting between other loyalist army commanders hosted by the Commander-in-Chief of Imperial forces, General Kashin to discuss the recent uprisings the empire is facing. Rinrin stays back after getting a fever with Shuri staying to take care of her. During the meeting, General Kashin ask on how to defeat an army of rebels who have fortify a mountain. Sōsō suggests a Siege strategy where they will cut off the rebels supply routes to deprived them of supplies which will starve them and affect their morale and an offer of clemency to those who surrender. But Kashin is not interested of showing mercy to the rebels and wants them to be eliminated quickly as a lesson to others. Ryūbi takes the offer to fight them head-on with the promise of bringing the leaders head. Kashin, impress of his willingness, agrees to give him the mission and reward him as her aide in the government if he succeeds.

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23 Settembre 2008
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