Pagina dell'episodio'

1x12 - Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka

The Scarlet-Dyed Hillslope

Poster della serie Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka

After Jun'ichi came back home after meeting his parents, Yuuhi was so angry over Jun'ichi lying to her that she decided to break up with him and leave the house that night. The next day, Minato left the house as well in order for Jun'ichi to make a decision between her and Yuuhi. When Jun'ichi got back home from school, he started thinking about the moment Minato came back from training and decided to take care of him a few years ago. Mr. Sugishita suddenly appeared to tell Jun'ichi to become a man and be true to himself, after taking him to the beach. Meanwhile, Yuuhi decided to stay at Karen's place and Minato stayed with Nagomi. When Jun'ichi got back to the house, he felt lonely and thought about his past and the girl he loves most, by the help of an imaginary Geno-killer, his past self before Minato arrived. With the help of his past self he finally became one with his alter-ego, and Jun'ichi confessed his love to Minato.

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17 Dicembre 2008
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