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1x13 - Amazon

The Devil's Army

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While searching for a lost pig on the other side of the river, Jimmy and Erra the dungman are attacked by ants and they barely save themselves running back to the river. They tell the Elders about it, but Balaam does not seem to take Erra's warnings serioulsy. Later, Jimmy learns that Erra is Balaam's father. Many years ago he was the village's sentinel, but one night he fell sleep and the savages attacked, killing some of the Chosen. After checking the ants by himself, Andrew, who knows a thing or two about them, tells the elders that the village is in danger. Cole agrees to give him some men to clear the river so the ants can not make it to the other side, but they make it anyway using a dead crocodile as a bridge. The Chosen leave their village and go to live with the excluded. Hekka and Adam go to Prudence's cabin and we learn that the two women are sisters.

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5 Febbraio 2000
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