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1x14 - Star Trek: The Animated Series

The Slaver Weapon

Poster della serie Star Trek: The Animated Series

While carrying an ancient Slaver stasis box to a star base, Spock, Uhura, and Sulu get an indication that there is another nearby. Upon investigating, they are taken prisoner by the Kzinti - a cat-like race who hate humans after losing several wars to them. The Kzinti have an empty Slaver box, which is the only way to find another stasis box. They manage to open the Enterprise crew's box and find old meat, a strange hologram statue, and...a mysterious gun-like device. The item can shift its form. Spock and Sulu manage to escape but are recaptured when they trigger a matter-destruct sequence. An energy-draining setting almost lets Uhura escape. The Kzinti eventually stumble upon a setting that activates a sentient computer. When they are unable to provide the proper passwords it nonetheless provides them with another setting when they request the matter conversion form. But it's a self-destruct setting: the computer believes the Kzinti to be Slaver enemies and gives them the means to th

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15 Dicembre 1973
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