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1x15 - Patlabor: The New Files

The Girl Who Came from the Stars

Poster della serie Patlabor: The New Files

Noa has had a very hard day. She comes back to the hanger and heads straight for bed. She wakes in the middle of the night and notices a light on in a small building at the back of the hanger. She investigates, but can find no one inside. She places her hand on a poster on the wall, and a portal opens below her feet. She ends up in some sort of underground base, and finds the whole of the SV2 down there in strange uniforms. It is in fact the base for CLAT Japan (Creature from Luna Attack Team), an organization dedicated to fighting aliens, and the SV2 is just a front to keep the organization secret. Before Noa can react, aliens attack CLAT's orbiting base. Ota and Shinshi fly out to help Shinobu as her Labor has been hit by enemy fire. But Shinobu returns safely and reports Shinshi and Ota were shot down. Strangely both of them return sometime later, but they are actually aliens in disguise. The other team members are not fooled and shoot them dead before they can attack. The real Ota and Shinshi have been captured and Noa and Asuma head off to rescue them. Meanwhile the rest of the team fight off the hordes of UFOs currently attacking Earth. Noa and Asuma manage to rescue Ota and Shinshi, but in the process a monster emerges from the UFO they were being held in. Noa however has a secret, she can transform into Ingraman, a giant alien from the AV-98 Nebula who defends Earth.

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19 Marzo 1992
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