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1x15 - Under the Veil

Episode 15

Poster della serie Under the Veil

The shop is hiring new staff and the Carp applies for the job. Mrs NGOK finds her a nice lady and she hires her. MAU-TAN and her aunt Mrs FONG arrive to shop and the Carp discovers that MAU-TAN looks like her very much. CHEUNG CHUN eventually arrives at Suzhou. MAU-TAN distributes charity bags on the street and she passes one to CHEUNG CHUN. CHEUNG CHUN finds MAU-TAN familiar for she looks like the Carp in his dream and he develops good impression on her. KAU TSIN-SHUI drinks near the pond in the evening and CHEUNG CHUN passes by. CHEUNG CHUN discovers a golden carp in the pond and he remembers the Carp in his dream. He is grateful for the Carp has rescued him before and his fiancee looks like the Carp very much. KAU TSIN-SHUI asks CHEUNG CHUN to sleep earlier. When CHEUNG CHUN has left, the Carp jump out from the pond and she is heartbroken to learn that CHEUNG CHUN will propose marriage to MAU-TAN soon...

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16 Ottobre 2015
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