Pagina dell'episodio'

1x155 - Come Home Love

Do Not Want a Hundred Million Dollars?

Poster della serie Come Home Love

MA FU and all family members dress up in the early morning to meet up with HING-KWAI in the restaurant. MA KEUNG explains that HING-KWAI had rescued SUK-KWAN before. HING-KWAI wants to spend his remaining days in his hometown. He has no children and he worries that nobody will visit his grave after his death. He therefore asks MA FU if he could adopt MA KEUNG as his son and he is willing to give his one hundred million dollars savings to them. MA CHONG and the others discuss the issue. MA FU insists that he will not agree with the suggestion and he tells them the reasons behind. MA KEUNG wants to reject HING-KWAI directly and MA CHONG suggests playing trick so that HING-KWAI will give up the plan. MA FU accompanies HING-KWAI to Treasure Hunt and he scolds MA KEUNG for being stupid in front of HING-KWAI. On the next day, MA FU and HING-KWAI go to eat pig brain noodle together. MA KEUNG suddenly arrives to scold MA FU madly……

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14 Dicembre 2012
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