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1x16 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The Invincible Machine Mekanika

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The latest ISO weapon factory is used by Galactor and manufactures Mekanika. It's a machine which, according to the plan on a microfilm, can change its form constantly. The Science Ninja Team follows Mekanika. But when they lose sight of it, they continue searching individually before meeting in Nambu's house. While searching a tunnel where they lost sight of Mekanika, Jinpei discovers a base through a hole in the surface and sneaks into it. While trying to destroy the base, he finds a micro cassette. Judging from the behaviour of the Galactor members, this cassette seems to be very important and Jinpei takes it with him while fleeing. It contains the plans needed to change the form of Mekanika. Nambu makes a new plan, based off the cassette, and instructs the Science Ninja Team how to install this plan in Mekanika. As Mekanika transforms, there's a chink between the different parts of the casing. Ken sneaks into Mekanika through one of those chinks and wants to insert Nambu's cassette into the computer, but gets into a melee with Katse who was in the pilot's seat. Ken dives under Katse's arm and somehow manages to insert the cassette. Mekanika, according to Nambu's plan, transforms into a fair. When Katse sees that, he flees.

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14 Gennaio 1973
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