Pagina dell'episodio'

1x16 - Superboy

Meet Mr. Mxyzptlk

Poster della serie Superboy

Superboy is called on to help remove a totem pole from the ground so it can be studied. When he arrives the totem won't budge. Just as he finally gets it out of the ground, it vanishes. Then a strange little man appears claiming to be from the 5th dimension. He is Mxyzptlk . Superboy meets him and discovers that Mxy's magic can harm him just as it could anyone else. Mxy decides he wants to take Lana back with him. Using his magic, he impersonates Clark and tries to get together with Lana. When Lana resists Mxy's twisted version of Clark, Mxy uses his magic to make her want to come with him. She is preparing to leave with Mxy when T.J., Superboy, and a scientist discover that the totem held back magical spirits. Once the totem was moved, the doorway to our world was opened. They also learn that saying his name backward will cause the imp to return to his own dimension for 90 days. Knowing this, Superboy gives Lana a going away speech that he will record on video tape.

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25 Febbraio 1989
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