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1x17 - The Island

Episode 17

Poster della serie The Island

Papadimitriou raises black flags on the walls and gates of the island, declaring a hunger strike and commercial embargo between the island and the mainland in an attempt to pressure the government into reinstating cut benefits; the plan is met with resistance from his opponents and residents who suffer the consequences. The residents of Plaka are also found in a very difficult situation since most of the town live off of the commercial trade with Spinalonga. The government sends representatives to the island in an attempt to convince them to stop the embargo, but Papadimitriou will not budge and the government decides to reinstate their benefits bringing an end to the strike and embargo. Meanwhile Evgenia becomes heavily ill and in desperation Lefteris asks Papadimitriou for help. Also Dimitris reveals to Ilektra that he is not sick with Leprosy but still wants to remain on the island, and she tries to commit suicide thinking she is the reason keeping him from leaving the island. Back on Plaka Manolis continues to visit often, showing his interest in Maria, until he finally asks her father for her hand in marriage.

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14 Marzo 2011
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