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1x18 - The Magician

A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing

Poster della serie The Magician

Ace Cooper was on his way home when he nearly runs over a stampe of escaped zoo animals. Later, Vega explains about the Wolves Company, a group of young eco-terrorist who are completely against everything ecologically wrong. Cosmo hangs out with his buddies at the video game arcade when he discovers a strang symbol in Ulene's notebook. Back at the Magic Express, Ace is determined to discover who made up the Wolves Company team before the police do, since they take the problem more seriously than the group really knows. The group's ""mentor"" wants them to create a stir at the Surge Consortium with a supported ""fake bomb"". At the consortium, Ace and Cosmo keep a lookout when Ace spoted two maintenance workers doing something unusual. He discovers the bomb while Cosmo goes after one of the workers which was surprisely Ulene. Ace has had trouble disarming the bomb coating because it's one design which can't be disarmed. So he it in a special coating and lets the bomb go off. Out of comes so

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25 Giugno 1999
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