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1x18 - Saint Seiya

Great Rage! The Ghost Saints of Carribean

Poster della serie Saint Seiya

The Pope is furious with Docrates' failure, and Shina advises Gigars to send the amazon Jeist (Shina's disciple, who was banned from the Sanctuary by the former Pope) to recover the Gold helmet. In an castle on an island at the Carribean Sea, Jeist receives a letter from the Sanctuary and summons her disciples, the Ghost Saints: Serpent, Dolphin and Medusa. They take over a big nuclear energy-powered oil ship that belongs to Kido Foundation and threaten to destroy it unless the Bronze Saints give the helm to them. Seiya and the others go to the ship and Seiya is forced to fight alone against the Serpent and the Dolphin. Otherwise, Medusa will destroy the ship. However, Shun immobilizes Medusa with his chains and the Bronze Saints go to help Seiya but, all of a sudden, the ocean is filled by ghost pirate ships, and thousands of ghost pirates invade the oil ship and distract the saints. The Ghost Saints seize the opportunity, steal the helm and jump to the ocean.

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21 Febbraio 1987
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