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1x19 - Fireflies

Closing In

Poster della serie Fireflies

Perry’s moved into the mudbrick house and Lill is happy about that-or is she? During a drunken phone call with Perry’s ex-wife, Lill realises her relationship may really be over. Then the unravelling starts as her happiness turns and reality starts closing in. Can she live without Perry? It’s another hot day and a fire has started in the Tuza State forest. Fifi arrives at Firecom, to the chaos of fires already out of control. Conditions aren’t good-it’s expected to reach 41 degrees and the winds are fierce. All the brigades are on standby as Fire Control Officer Bryce Austin works out the strategies needed to overcome the fires before they link up and the wind pushes them towards Fox Cove. Fifi learns that Bryce will do everything he can to save Fox Cove, including putting his own house at risk. There’s smoke in Lost River but no fire, yet. Backa is at the fire station organising crews. He’s trying to be Captain in every way possible. But there’s pressure coming in from everywhere. He can’t help wondering why local policeman Mike Jones is sniffing around his wife. And there’s a southwesterly change expected which means the fires will close in around Lost River. Meanwhile Mike is closing in on Svettie and Sharpie’s dope crop. He’s torn between being the cop and living in a small country town where he has become familiar with the residents. It’s a fine line and Mike is still an outsider. But a secret is out about Mike and his world is about to close in on him too.

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3 Giugno 2004
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